What is the Tafel?
Save food, help people: that is the short version of what the Tafel does. The Tafel Quakenbrück e.V. is one of approximately 950 Tafeln in Germany. We collect food that is not sold or not needed anymore from retailers, bakeries, supermarkets and companies in the food industry. After we sort the food, customers can come to us every Tuesday and Friday for distribution.
How can I get food from the Tafel?
If you receive social security benefits, like Arbeitslosengeld II (“Hartz IV”), Grundsicherung (subsistence income), Kinderzuschlag (additional child benefit) or Wohngeld (housing benefit), from the state, you can receive food from the Tafel.
If you do not receive social security benefits from the state, but have a low income, you can become a customer as well.
Do not shy away from putting in an application. You can get an application at the distribution point. Fill in the application, sign it and hand it in at the distribution point together with your proof of income. We will do a fast and uncomplicated check to see if you are eligible. If you are eligible, you will receive a card from us. Please bring this card every time you purchase food at the Tafel.
Are you interested in helping at the Tafel?
You want to help at the Tafel? Donate as much time as you want. Get to know the country and its people. A nice team is looking forward to seeing you. Please feel free to contact us!
Tafel Quakenbrück e.V.
Friedrichstraße 14 · 49610 Quakenbrück
Opening Times: Tuesday from 2 pm until 4 pm and Friday from 2 pm until 5 pm.
Contact: Telephone: 0 54 31/90 66 44
E-Mail: info@tafel-quakenbrueck.de
Internet: www.tafel-quakenbrueck.de
Facebook: @tafel.quakenbrueck